Organic, Natural, Or Local?

Organic, Natural, Or Local?

Organic food has become readily available in recent years, especially in San Diego, where we have over 350 certified organic farms.  With the awareness we have nowadays on eating healthy, it makes so much sense to put as much pure & natural foods in our bodies as we can.  What does certified organic, locally grown, and natural really mean?  Are they worth it?  Let's explore & see what we conclude.

Certified Organic 

The USDA has set up a system for farmers to be certified organic.  It's an in depth process that guarantees the quality from the farm to your table.  Although being certified organic is wonderful, there are other considerations that you can consider, however you should understand the differences in their terminology.

Certified Naturally Grown 

The classification of Naturally Grown does not require the stringent demands of Certified Organic.  Although it is a simpler process, farmers still need to meet certain requirements, have an inspection, and a peer review.  So this offers us as consumers more options from different types of organic farms, and more organic foods available for purchase.  

Locally Grown 

Locally grown food does not require foods to be organic yet still offers many benefits, and it's a great option for small farms as well as offering the people in the local community the best & freshest food available.  When food is locally grown, you not only get the best of the season as fresh as can be, but there is much less processing & exposure to such things as waxes and preservatives that are needed for long distance transport.  We are so fortunate in San Diego to have about 50 farmers markets where we can get locally grown food easily every week.  


Food that has the "natural" label can be anything that is processed with natural ingredients, is not an actual certification or qualifications, so anything can be labeled natural that a company wants to say is made that way.  So in this case, it's best to just look at ingredients and see what is actually natural & decide for yourself. 

The Difference

There may not be much difference in certified organic or naturally grown in terms of health benefits because both avoid pesticides & growth hormones. Locally grown foods may justify a bit of discretion.  Studies have shown a difference in healthy food, but according to the Mayo clinic, you should be aware of the actual claims.   However, it just takes a taste to know for yourself & that speaks volumes.  

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