How Protein Effects Metabolism & Longevity

In this month's blog, we wanted to talk about something that is a big part of our mission-the importance of protein in our diets.  Though it's mentioned quite a bit in any discussion about weight loss or just staying fit, we wanted to really get into the why, and how of it all.

You could read detailed articles from the National Institute of Health, that talk scientifically about a high protein diet reducing body fat, and see all of the studies, and there are LOTS.  But we wanted to put things more practical.  Nutritional Protein helps metabolism & longevity.

The Thermic Food Effect

Have you ever heard of the thermic food effect?  This is what our bodies do by using calories to digest, absorb & metabolize food-the reason we need to eat, really.  Calories are measured as unit of heat, so the thermic food effect is what calories do.  Anyone’s goal to get or stay fit, is to take in the optimal calories.  And it’s not the amount that makes a difference, it’s the type of calories. 

Of course the less calories consumed will always mean the more your body burns, but if you're hungry all the time & low on energy, calorie deficit on its own doesn't sustain.  According to, a study showed that an increase in protein from 15% to 30% resulted in a decrease of 411 calories a day!  Resulting in an average weight loss of 11 pounds over 12 weeks.  The increase in protein also keeps you satisfied longer (increased satiety). 

Nutritional Protein

Is protein just protein?  Is it all the same?  Not exactly. You could look at food labels & just scan for the amount of protein, but it really is more than that.  Think of the old "you are what you eat".  If I have a lot of turkey dogs & burgers, I'm not exactly going to feel energized, and I may get frustrated at the results, not to mention all of the additives & long term effects.  But if you keep your diet more on the natural side, with chicken, salmon, oats, nuts & seeds, legumes & beans, you'll easily get the amount of protein needed, the right ratio macros, and avoid the repercussions of processed food.  This is why just about any healthy diet or diet plan is focused on these.  Avoiding label counting and just eating natural is easier anyway.  


Why is protein so emphasized with workout recovery?  Well, it's the amino acids.  These are commonly thought of as the building blocks of protein.  Amino acids stimulate muscle building, and help repair muscles (building muscle requires tearing of muscle-that's how they increase), which is referred to as protein synthesis.  This is why it's recommended to take in protein after any resistance training.  

Protein also helps muscle growth.  Basically, you need to take in more protein than your body breaks down when building muscle.  This is what's called keeping a positive net protein balance.  

Motivated to take in your protein?  Great!  Keep the counting simple & just do your best to consume 1 gram of protein for each pound that you weigh.


When we age we lose muscle.  In fact, we lose 3-8% per decade after the age of 30!  Our bodies just don't produce new muscle as easily as when we're younger.  There's actually a term for this: sarcopenia.  So we should aim for 20-35 grams each meal, just to stay stronger longer.  

Simplify & Enjoy

Now you can probably see why we're so passionate about all of our meals being high protein.  We are here to make it super easy, so you don't even have to worry about protein intake at all with Prept Meals.  If you do want to know, you can always check our menu for the nutrition for each meal on the rotating menu.

So enjoy the tasty meals we've delivered for you!  Healthy protein, freshness & quality are in every bite.

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